Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Most Wonderful Nelly of Them All

Oh my Nelly, fine Nelly
You are sitting in your belly
I wish that I could call you
But I don’t have a telly

Sacha woke up in the morning
And with joy I realized
That my dreams were all of you
I know it’s not much of a surprise

My gastric juices gave a great rumble
Not from hunger. No, my friend
But from a simple desire
To once again see my girlfriend

Frederick the papaya
Often teases me these days
He can’t seem to fathom
Why I play these “lover’s games”

I just tell that papaya
That he’ll never understand
He’s just a green papaya
He doesn’t even have hands

Then I remember; neither do I...
But that’s okay you see!
Because I have a love named Nelly
And she’s handless.
Just like me...

by The Mighty Leo