I feel a probing. A sense of change about to begin. A seeking for something to change. Like a tidal wave of reasons is about to break down my wall of things that hinder my relationship with God. Like characteristics once normal and everyday will become foreign and repulsive. It's a stirring. A stirring from the finger of God. Like he's dabbling in my pool of apathy - to get me ready for His monsoon of power. Just like He changed water into wine, He'll turn my apathy into desire, my questions in to absolutes, my comfort into restlessness, and my wonder into love.
I remember playing hide and seek as a kid. When people were searching for you, it was a weird mix of emotions. You sat in your dark corner, hiding, like you were supposed to. It seemed right to hide. People searched for you and pursued you. In your corner, you had a choice. You could come out of the shadows, get out of your uncomfortable position and be found. But that would be a role change. You would now be "it". You would be seeking, probing, and pursuing those hidden. It would require work. It would require effort. But you'd be out of the shadows.
So you sat there. Would you hide away and keep people from finding you in your dark corner? Or would you step out and claim the role layed out in front of you? The task of finding those hidden and lost... Did you want to seek?
Did you want people to see where you'd been? It was your dark corner and once you left it, they would all see where you had come from...
The seeker works so hard to find those ones who are hidden. It's their all-consuming task. God called us to be seekers, to be lookers, to pursue. He asked us to "seek and save the lost." It's pretty clear. From the dark corner there should only be one answer to the cry that rings through eternity... the cry of "All's set free!"
So come out. You're called. That probing? It's telling you to leave. It's telling you to come. It's telling you to go. To leave your corner. To come answer the call. And to go seek the hidden ones.
I feel a probing. A sense of change about to begin. A seeking for something to change...
Step into the Son.