Those times when you wake up at midnight... or 2am.... or 3:34am. The latter being the story of my life currently. Ever morning. I have to admit that I kind of like it. I look out my window and I can see the moon shining on the Salève, the cliffs becoming almost luminescent as they reflect the lesser light. I watch the sky slowly creep from black to blue and the stars disappear. At first the sentimental thoughts such as "Oh, everyone back home is looking at the same sky..." are quickly thrown out the window because... well... you aren't. We're in two different time zones on two different sides of the world, looking at different skies. Yours is blue and mine is black, the sun shines down on you and I see the moon...
My room mate and I have started a "French Only" rule in our room, which we are struggling to hold onto. Any movies or shows we want to watch have to be in French or with French subtitles, our conversations are usually a curious form of "Franglais", and people entering our room get a rigorous crash-course in how to be French in our presence (unless, of course, they are French...). But the one things I have been unable to keep en français is my worship music. Still as English as ever, it remains as meaningful and life changing as ever.
This morning, as I woke up to watch the sky turn grey, my heart was met by one of my favorite songs. EVERY time I hear it, something deep inside me rends itself in two and I feel like a living sacrifice. I want to be that... I want to be a living sacrifice. I want to be a sacrifice that loses its sleep every night... falling in love.
Open my ears - I want to hear You
Open my heart - I want to feel You
Your great love oh Lord... oh, once again.
I want to fall in love once again
I want to be more desperate once again
I want to lose my sleep once again....
falling in love with You.
-Sarah McMillan
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