Monday, December 5, 2011

"She unfurls her


and strips off the layers of



decades of lies.

She's (be)coming clean

and shouting the truth from the mountain tops,

her mouth

no longer sewn shut.

She's dancing

like the gazelle

that prance


the African desert.

In the desert?



And more than that -

she's whistling like a canyon wren.

She's standing next to


whose gleaming light pierces,

whose purity sweeps away,

whose freedom dismantles,

whose voice washes over,

every snarling half-truth,

every single false deception,

every would-be last word.

She will no more be termed Forsaken.

She will no longer be called Desolate, but

she will be called My Delight is in Her.

Love delights in her.

Could there be a more beautiful story?

Could there be more good news than this?

To beauty

from ashes.

To gladness

from mourning.

To praise

from despair.

To righteousness -

even after every single unclean thing she had ever


or done

or thought about doing.

This story -

this one about redemption,

this one that's being unveiled right now -

must be told!

She rises.

She shines.

She embraces the truth that

she is loved."

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