Saturday, February 16, 2013

little beginnings

You know those little moments.
I know you do... 
Like when you meet someone new and you
feel as if you've known them for a life time and
a half.
Or when you find organic brussel sprouts on sale 
on the day you finally went grocery shopping.
The dance you do when your friend gets accepted to
med school.
The light in your eyes when you realize that it just 
might be love, and you're so glad it came.
The breath you take in quickly and quietly when you open 
the door, before your room mate's awake, and discover
a world of perfect white resting beneath stars of perfect blue.
Litte moments. 
Little memories.
Little things...
Like you.
You're that feeling, that dance, that moment, my best stroke 
of luck, you're light, you're breath, you white and blue...

You're you.
You have my heart. For always you are my friend
and my home.
You're those little moments.
You know...   those little moments.
I know you do.
Cause I know you.

1 comment:

  1. Blessed moments- you are blessed to one of those people who can see them so concentrated in your days. It inspires me to see them in mine :). Love to you sis!
