Friday, February 22, 2013


She liked to hang her hammock on the cliffs
The kind of soul that fell asleep with ocean sounds
because she never really identified with the ground
People said she was sharp, but her pebble beach was so washed,
Her fruit salad emotions so freely tossed that the name “Lost”
had been embossed, by her own scarred hands, to the letterhead of her heart.
And she hated those days...
Those days when you write nothing but quotes...
When your words never measure up
When your hopelessness and lack of purpose
Leave your stuck, like a super hero action figure in a landfill,
Leave your fear-driven heart calm and carrying iocaine
just in case this life isn’t enough
Too bad you never learned to live it.
Maybe you didn’t burn enough bridges
drop enough anchors
Makes you wanna curse like a sailor and
then sail the seven seas, maybe eight!
Because one was never good enough
Dry land was never firm enough
You were never God-enough, even though 
You’ve been serving yourself for a lifetime.
Nervous system reaction time: 0
So your stubbed toes and bruised knees just serve
to remind you how many times you’ve fallen
how many times you’ve failed that same test of your boundaries
when you stole the answer key  
But that was before you learned to read
You never did like ships in a bottle,
always preferred the ocean captured deep within your chest
locked beneath your breast
and breathing the tides in and out, one by one, for you
Your helplessness comes from a place of pain
Your joy is rooted in the sorrows that have cloaked you
like the dark side of the force
But you’ve quickly learned that they don’t have cookies
Their powers can’t save your dying wife
And fears are slowly consuming your shadowed life...

Even the orange colored skies aren’t speaking any truth
And truth is, all you want is a green flash as sunset
Or was it sundown?
One day of rest to lay aside your burdens, to give it all up
transcend this sad plain and somehow change
Friend, I’ve realized now it’s not about how fast you run, whether you escaped
It’s all about whether you stopped...
Stopped to take in the ocean, inhale a tide or two
You might be green, or you might be grey, 
you might be blue, but I don’t care
drop your last anchor to windward
and lock in for a long ride cause the night of the soul
is a scary thing when you didn’t even know you had one
But I’ve always known

And so do you
So stop pretending 
It’s time to write more than quotes
Cause I want your words and, you wanna be heard
I can see it in your eyes
I can taste it in your tears
they taste like mine, and I know you’re not fine
So let’s draw a line and stop lying to the world. . . 

As we lie in the dark, beat boxing with our hearts
Breathe deep with the tide
We’ll hang our hammocks on the cliff side where waves pound and throb
Then we’ll wait to see the hand of God
Even if it’s only just the street lamps or stars

Saturday, February 16, 2013

little beginnings

You know those little moments.
I know you do... 
Like when you meet someone new and you
feel as if you've known them for a life time and
a half.
Or when you find organic brussel sprouts on sale 
on the day you finally went grocery shopping.
The dance you do when your friend gets accepted to
med school.
The light in your eyes when you realize that it just 
might be love, and you're so glad it came.
The breath you take in quickly and quietly when you open 
the door, before your room mate's awake, and discover
a world of perfect white resting beneath stars of perfect blue.
Litte moments. 
Little memories.
Little things...
Like you.
You're that feeling, that dance, that moment, my best stroke 
of luck, you're light, you're breath, you white and blue...

You're you.
You have my heart. For always you are my friend
and my home.
You're those little moments.
You know...   those little moments.
I know you do.
Cause I know you.