Seasons. Not spring, summer, autumn, or winter. But seasons ... of life. That phrase gets thrown around a lot and can be irritating at times. "The seasons of the soul." It looks like something that should be on an ornate piece of wood in my mother's kitchen. But it's become an actual part of my life. God likes to take me through seasons. I've known for the last month that I'm in some kind of transition between seasons, but I couldn't really nail down what the transition would mean. What season was I moving into? What was I supposed to look for? What did I need to do?
Peace. The first word that God has spoken to me is peace. I get so worried when I feel like I'm not DOING anything. I constantly fear that I'm becoming apathetic. When I step into a worship environment and I'm not passionate or eager, I instantly worry that there's something wrong with me. God has told me that I need to stop worrying about this. I need to stop worrying about what I am or I am not doing for God, and just let Him BE GOD. I need to be okay with peace. That's very hard for me. My genetics and upbringing revolt against a lack of movement, a lack of productivity, and a lack of doing. Today God informed me that I'm moving into a season marked by peace. He's going to teach me how to rest in Him, how to stop and listen, and how to be okay with His peace. Rest. Peace.
Vision. God is encouraging my capacity to see. To do this, He is growing my faith, because faith provides eyes for the heart. Faith isn't what gets me into the family of God. Rather, it is the nature of life inside that family. Faith sees. It brings the Kingdom into focus. Everything that God has is accessible through faith. Jesus said, "For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." Jesus wants me to look at the invisible. Jesus told us that He only did what He saw the Father do. The beauty and power of His actions were rooted in His ability to see. I need new vision. This new season is a season of vision.
I'm done being a realist. I'm tired of believing more in what I can see than what God has waiting for me beyond my natural sight. I don't want my belief in this material world to over rule my belief in an invisible God. God is jealous for my heart and I don't want anything to get in the way of what He has for me. I want to know what He's doing!
New season. New start. Am I nervous? . . . Yes. I am. But I'm excited. My eyes are tired; I need new vision. My heart is tired; I need peace and rest. Peace. Vision. Season.
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