During DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time this morning, two of my Korean ESL students grabbed classroom Bibles, their Translators and sat on the floor to read the Bible together. During Kindergarten Freeplay time, Erika sang (at the top of her lungs) through every Jesus song she knew, whether she actually knew the real words or not...
And then in 3rd and 4th Bible class I was talking about seeing God's salvation today, in our world. I talked about how excited God was to just be with us. That He is ever waiting for us to just want to talk to Him... like a puppy after you've been gone at school. Alvin, a 3rd grader who usually gives me nothing but attitude, raised his hand. He asked me if he could have one of the wrist bands on my arm. I have two on my left arm. A blue one reading "I SUPPORT WWU SMS" and a red on that reads "CHOOSE GOD." I explained that they reminded me to pray for very important friends, and that they meant a lot to me. He pointed at them once again and asked if he could have one. I asked him which one he wanted. He said that he wanted the blue one. I looked at him in the eye, and said that I would only give him my wrist band on one condition. Every time he looked at it, he had to promise to talk to God. He had to remember the puppy, and talk to God - the God who was so excited to be with him, and loved him so much. He looked back at me, took a moment, and then said he would do that. I made him shake on it, and then handed over my blue band.
That makes my day worth it. That makes it all worth it.
then the voice of Kim Walker drifts into my head.... Your love makes it worth it ... Your love makes it worth it ...
I like this :)